bcls & AED
bcls + AED
Basic Cardiac Life Support and AED (BCLS + AED) is a nationally certified course and the guidelines are set by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council. Aris Integrated Medical is licensed by SRFAC to provide this program. This is a short and concise program focusing on the use of BCLS and AED during emergencies. The aim of the course is to certify everyone in the proper use of BCLS + AED rescue techniques during times of emergency. Target Audience : All Industries, Communities and Schools
Course Duration :1 Day for full course and 0.5 Day for refresher course
Price : $140 (full course) and $100 (refresher course [Not Eligible For Any Government subsidy])
SkillsFuture For Individuals : Singaporean only (25 years old & above)
SSG Funding For Companies: